Thursday, June 25, 2015

Knite and the Ghost Lights: Video Introduction

Well, it's gonna be the very first post here.

As you know there was a number of obstacles and setbacks on our way. Perhaps much more then we would like to get. We've lost a lot of time and money. And our lead programmer as well. I must admit that we've lost more than we were ready for, but we still eager to make this game and it has to be epic!

Believe me it's not that easy to achieve, seeing how unlucky we were recently. But diligence is the real mother of good luck, so we try to compensate our troubles with diligence and, maybe slowly, but it works.

Ok, no more complains. :-)

Today we'd like to show you something we were working on a couple of months ago. It's a video opener for the game. We tried our best to make it look awesome, hope you like it.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome...

The Dream, the Ghosts and the Postman

There is no gameplay in this video. Maybe it will be in the next one... who knows. But for those who are still hungry for something new we have a couple of screenshots. Hopefully soon you can see it in action.

Thank you for patience and understanding! We love you guys and gals, see you soon.

Oh, right! The screenshots... here you are!


Knitemire is a marshland in the southern part of Mistland, the home of Knite and place of his activities. Originally known under the name of 'Knightmoor' derived from the camp of Holy Knights of the Watcher that was situated there in the ancient centuries the name slightly changed in course of time due to illiteracy of local habitants. As one can see the name Knite originates from Knitemire.

Old Titans

Old Titans is a vast forest of enormous pines, which are probably the thickest and tallest trees in all North Neora. There are meany separate dwellings and only one town known as the sleepy city of Dangleton. Its sole inhabitants are sleeping woodmen. It's also the only place in North Neora where the slumberfungs may be obtained. Its name comes from cradle-like houses attached to giant trees and are therefore always being 'dangling'.


Trolldalen also known as the Valley of Headstones is a glade in the northern part of Blackwoods. This part of Blackwoods is not so murky. There are lots of boulders that are believed to be the remains of a troll army that was turned to stone by the Sun a thousand years ago. Some mistlanders believe that the trolles are just sleeping and can be turned back to living beings someday.

King's Hill

King's Hill is the highest hill in a series of hills in the southern part of central Mistland. The original name of the hill is unknown and its modern name is derived from a massive stone sarcophagus atop of it. It is widely believed that the sarcophagus leads to an underground sepulchre full of treasure.


The Sewer is an underground passage that connects the Ruins of Knightmoor with the Drowned City. In the past it was probably used as a part of water supply system for one or both of the fortresses.

Ok, that's all for today. See you soon and take care!

And if please help us spread the word and share what we do. The more people will see and love this, the sooner we hit the finish line.

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