We all know that every good platformer should have a really cool dungeon level. Or many. The greatest secrets are always hidden underneath. And we all know how both scary and exciting it must be to go down and break them.
As every complex world full of danger and mystery Mistland has many underground locations. It's an absolutely new universe inhabited with shy Diggers, friendly Cave Herders, gluttonous Groguts, nasty Tattlers, and others. The world under Mistland has its own history, own rules, and it may be even more complex and strange than life on the surface.
Take a look at the game map.
About a third of what you see here is subterranean locations. Every single of them has its own story. Hearth of Morana, Shaft, Crystal Cavern, Shellmine, Underfields, Sewer, Ice Caves, Depot, Vaults, etc. Every one of them is unique and we try hard to make them look awesomely distinctive and special.
For example, the Sewer, an ancient underground passage between two fortresses, is completely manmade and has a number of gargoyles that serve as lamp posts.
That's how they looked when they were made.
Too bad nothing stays white in the sewer.
Guys in action!
Another interesting location is called Shellmine or the Shell Gallery. Here you can see the remains of ancient sea creatures.
Tons of shells were made to bring this place to life.
And, although it's just a rough mockup, the level will apparently have its own special atmosphere.
That would perhaps be not so dangerous place. Yet there are many other dungeons that don't give you such a warm welcome.

That would perhaps be not so dangerous place. Yet there are many other dungeons that don't give you such a warm welcome.

Deadly swinging maces. Classis!

Gosh, a fire-breathing pig!
And this is just the beginning, believe me. ;-)
Finally (for today) let's tak about another nice location, a so-called Crystal Cavern. We all love crystal caves, don't we? So, it would be a shame if we couldn't get one or two for Knite and the Ghost Lights. And it seems that it has real crystals!
We brought these from sunny Chile. God bless rich Chilean mines.
But sometimes you need something different. Something more special. Say, your own Mistland crystals. How about growing a couple using some chemicals and a bit of science?

Crystalline everything!
That's how crystal caves are born. Hope soon you can see how they look in the game.
That's all for today, thanks for reading, guys and gals! Stay cool and never tease a troll, see you next week!
P.S. And for those who thinks it's not enough, here is a photo from another cute little game (also based on the world of Mistland) that Tisha makes in her spare time. We'll announce it on the Mistland channel on YouTube and on Facebook later this moth.
Nine Vivid Images of Gorgeous Eviline Malle.
The clay extends fun. The clay expands consciousness. The clay is vital to adventure platformers.
Bye! Ciao! Пока! Ce sera tout pour aujourd'hui. Até mais!
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